
- What he's demonstrated, very clearly, is that you have a choice. He took all that torment, all that agony, all that confusion and pain, and he transformed it into something beautiful. He's like the silkworm, you know? You take this raw material, and you transform it. You come out with something that wasn't there before. Something beautiful. Something perhaps transcendent. Something perhaps eternal. Insofar as he does that, I think he's representative of the human spirit, of what's possible. That you have a choice "And this has been my choice, to give you Sugar Man". Now, have you done that? Ask yourself.

Rick Emmerson  (as himself)


Mecánica cuántica. Qué depósito, qué vertedero era de aspiraciones humanas, la línea fronteriza donde el rigor matemático derrotaba al sentido común , y la razón y la fantasía se mezclaban irracionalmente. Aquí podían encontrar lo que necesitaban los que tenían inclinaciones místicas, y pretender que la ciencia era la prueba. 

Solar [31-32,352] (Ian McEwan, 2011, Anagrama)