

No es probable que Kepler-47c albergue vida, pero si tuviera lunas grandes, serían mundos muy interesantes para su investigación. 

William Welsh dixit (Descubren un sistema planetario con dos soles, Materia)


But maybe the most mysterious of all is neither the small nor the large. It’s us. Up close. Could we even recognize ourselves?

Rhoda Williams (Brit Marling)

Listen to me. Keep your mind clear. And that's it. You will have peace of mind. My dear, don't worry. Learn to adjust yourself.

Purdeep (Kumar Pallana)


- Rhoda Williams: If you met yourself, what would you say?
- John Burroughs: Hey, you up for a video game? Probably beat me. What would you say?
- Rhoda Williams: Better luck next time.

Rhoda Williams (Brit Marling) and John Burroughs (William Mapother)


- John's Son: You would go?
- Rhoda Williams: Yes.
- John's Son: You don't know what's out there.
- Rhoda Williams: That's why I would go.

John's Son (AJ Diana) and Rhoda Williams (Brit Marling)


I saw this image when I was a kid. The photograph of Jupiter taken by NASAs Voyager. Beautiful. But nothing special until shown in rapid succession. Suddenly Jupiter was alive. Breathing. I was hypnotized.

Rhoda Williams (Brit Marling)


You know that story of the Russian cosmonaut? So, the cosmonaut, He's the first man ever to go into space. Right? The Russians beat the Americans. So he goes up in this big spaceship, but the only habitable part of it's very small. So the cosmonaut's in there, and he's got this portal window, and he's looking out of it, and he sees the curvature of the Earth for the first time. I mean, the first man to ever look at the planet he's from. And he's lost in that moment. And all of a sudden this strange ticking... Begins coming out of the dashboard. Rips out the control panel, right? Takes out his tools. Trying to find the sound, trying to stop the sound. But he can't find it. He can't stop it. It keeps going. Few hours into this, begins to feel like torture. A few days go by with this sound, and he knows that this small sound... will break him. He'll lose his mind. What's he gonna do? He's up in space, alone, in a space closet. He's got 25 days left to go... with this sound. So the cosmonaut decides... the only way to save his sanity... is to fall in love with this sound. So he closes his eyes... and he goes into his imagination, and then he opens them. He doesn't hear ticking anymore. He hears music. And he spends the sailing through space in total bliss... and peace.

Rhoda Williams (Brit Marling)


Homeopathy of course, tragically in this case, has no side effects as it has no effects.

By “idiot,” I mean exactly what my brother meant when he tagged me with the epithet: an impractical and unreasonable person, a person who tends to forget all the important lessons, essentially a fool, one who willfully ignores all that he has learned about how to come to his own aid. A person who is so fixated on the fact that he is in a hole that he fails to climb out of the hole. An idiot, in short, is someone who is self-defeatingly lazy.

Daniel Smith (The anxious idiot, NYT)


- Annabel Cotton: Who is Hiroshi?
- Enoch Brae: Sort of a ghost.
- Annabel Cotton: Can he fly?
- Enoch Brae: He used to. He was a kamikaze.

Annabel Cotton (Mia Wasikowska) & Enoch Brae (Henry Hopper) 
Restless (2011)


El ojo no ve cosas sino figuras de cosas que significan otras cosas [...]. 

 Las ciudades invisibles (Italo Calvino)


Josep Pla escribía en sus cuadernos como si fuera árabe, empezando desde atrás, una letra pequeña, siempre con estilográfica. Pla era Pla también en esa manera de escribir.

Josep Maria Castellet (Despacito y con buena letra, El País)

Lo cierto es que la buena caligrafía refleja orden, y no solo en la escritura, sino orden para resolver los problemas de la vida. Una buena escritura manual augura un mejor porvenir. Y por supuesto el orden de la escritura evita el caos. La caligrafía es el orden en la página, la letra triunfa en la lucha entre el orden y el caos.

Salvador Gutiérrez (Despacito y con buena letra, El País)